Monday, January 22, 2007

the original idiot

Hello everybody!!
(okay, the two of you who happened to stumble upon this blog...)

I'm very excited to introduce myself to the World Wide Web as an emphatic wacko.
I enjoy laughing at people. I won't deny it. It says so in my little blurb at the head of the page. I'm not gonna lie, I'll laugh at you too if you do something dumb.
So in conclusion, again I say, WELCOME! I will try to post great things I find absolutely re-god-dam-diculous at least once a week and give a little bit of commentary to boot. If it's not funny or at least worth a chuckle, sorry. It's Jeff's fault... he's the one who encouraged this to take place. Blame him.
So to start here's my first installment, hopefully of many, of a stupid, stupid idiot. If you haven't seen this yet, it is highly enjoyable (if not just plain weird). I guarantee it. If you ever need to rinse out your brain, I recommend this product. Just please, don't use soap!

The Brain Washer...

P.S.- When I wanted to find a mascot of sorts for this page through Google Images, I typed in "idiot". Guess who's face popped up quite a few times in my search. Good Ol' G. Dubs, no less. Go figure...

1 comment:

Jeff said...

I LOVE IT!! Thanks for linking me as a potential 'idiot'. I'll show you how to do the banner thing in an email later.... keep them posts coming!
