Thursday, March 29, 2007

Idiots Extravaganza!!

I just love the word "extravaganza". It makes everything sound so exciting!
Okay, I'll admit, I've been very lazy with my blog the past two weeks, but for good reason. I am trying to make a little extra income, so I've been working my ass off drawing. Yes, drawing. Not a leisurely pursuit by any means, believe me. The work of an artist is never done. I'll give you further info as this story develops in the coming weeks. By the way, this picture was too weird not to post.

But I am making up for the two weeks I've been gone--so on to the news.

Apparently, hope don't float. I tell ya, I love my home state of Michigan, but it's going down the drain. Literally. In my beautiful college city of Grand Rapids, sink holes are appearing and gobbling up poop. If you don't know what I'm talking about, take a look. They don't know where it went after that. It's just missing. It's obvious The Poop Fairy came by, so they should be receiving their quarters any minute now. Just be patient... he's got lots of stops to make! So when people call Michigan a festering cesspool, (usually transplants from the state) they're not REALLY being derogatory. Of course, Chicago is pretty clean, but we've got our problems here too.

And also...

Really, what do you do with 93 pounds of underwear? And their not even yours? I don't want to know. Read about this kook, stealing women's underwear out of laundry rooms. What I'd like to know is how they caught the guy... did someone set up a sting in a washeteria or something? Maybe he couldn't afford his own underwear, you never know. Dude. Seriously. Gross.

And finally...
Now for something completely different.

Remember the 90's? A very confusing time for us Generation "What?" kids. Especially for those of the Caucasian persuasion trying to figure out how hip-hop fit into their lives. For many, sadly, it never really did. But not for lack of trying!!
This "music video" is from Ghostwriter. No not the flaming leather-clad skull on the bike, GhostWRITER, the show about the kids solving problems, as they typically do. I highly recommend watching this, for educational purposes of course.

I found something else, too, while I was looking for that video. It's mislabeled as the same thing, but it's VERY different. Remember FoxKids Music Countdown? Well, this is the intro to that very program--and believe me, if you've never done acid, you will not feel left out at all while watching this. I suggest it with no volume, lest you like having seizures and your ears bleeding at the same time. Fox truly IS evil.

Well, I feel that I have exceeded my requirement for inane media for the last two weeks, so I hope you'll pardon me for leaving you. I promise, unless I'm out on the street selling pretty pictures for food, I will continue my search in the world for idiots.
Shouldn't be too hard.